RetireHub Daily — 12/21/23

Internet deals (and more) for retirees

RetireHub Daily

Internet deals (and more) for retirees

It is Thursday, December 21st, 2023.

On This Day In History — On this day in 1898, having recently discovered polonium, future Nobel Prize winners Marie and Pierre Curie discovered the radioactive chemical element radium, a silvery white metal that would be used to treat cancer.

Deal of the Day

Royal Caribbean Cruises — Up to 15% Off
  • Royal Caribbean Cruises offers up to 15% off your trip (aged 55+). Make sure to check their website for more info, and if you’re ever planning a cruise (on any cruise line) make sure to ask about discounts! Let the youngsters pay full price!

  • Royal Caribbean Cruises

RetireHub Poll

What's your favorite Christmas movie of all time?

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Yesterday’s Poll Results — What’s your favorite scary movie of all time?

With over 30% of the vote — “I don’t like scary movies” was the most popular choice, followed closely by Silence of the Lambs!

Thanks to everyone who voted!

Words of the Day

Finance Term: Cryptocurrency

Definition: Digital assets that rely on blockchain technology to allow for decentralized transactions between multiple parties.

Medical Term: Outpatient

Definition: A patient who receives medical treatment without being admitted to a hospital.

Slang Word of the Day: Shook

Definition: To be incredibly shocked or shaken up.

Used in a Sentence: “When the zombie jumped out of the closet, I was absolutely shook.”

Longevity Tip Of The Day

Watch your grandkids — While babysitting every day is stressful, regularly watching the grands can lower your risk of dying by a third, according to a 2016 study published in Evolution and Human Behavior. That adds up to an extra five years of life, researchers say. They speculate that caregiving gives grandparents a sense of purpose, and keeps them mentally and physically active.

What We’re Reading

Cold Hearted, by Toni Anderson

Price$5.99 Free

Overview: FBI agent Darsh is determined to track down the serial killer plaguing a university town — but he keeps getting distracted by a woman who makes him break all the rules… When the criminal sets his sights on Erin, can Darsh protect her before it’s too late?

Good News From Around the World

6 Strangers Drop Everything to Help Man Find Wedding Ring Lost While Doing Yard Work

  • Normally raking the yard is the kind of elbow grease that leaves a sense of accomplishment in its wake, but when Michigan resident Joseph Novetske finished raking his yard, he was left dispirited.

  • That’s because the 80-year-old realized he lost the wedding ring he had worn for 42 years of graced matrimony with his wife, Mary Ann Novetske, 71.

Deaf Girl Meets Santa Properly for the First Time Thanks to Elf Who Signs

  • A little deaf girl has been able to tell Santa all by herself what she wants for Christmas for the first time—thanks to an elf who was trained in sign language.

  • Emily Andrews, four, was captured in a heartwarming video reeling off her wish list via Melanie Boyeson, who acted as an interpreter for the youngster.

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