RetireHub Daily — 12/28/23

Internet deals (and more) for retirees

RetireHub Daily

Internet deals (and more) for retirees

It is Thursday, December 28th, 2023.

(Not the record you want to be remembered for.)

On This Day In History — On this day in 2008, the Detroit Lions became the first team in NFL history to lose all 16 games in the regular season.

Deal of the Day

  • Before the end of the year, we wanted to give you an updated version of our Every Senior Discount in America list. It’s easily our most popular tool, and be sure to let us know if there are any stores we left out!

  • Every Senior Discount in America

RetireHub Poll

What kind of travel interests you most in retirement?

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Yesterday’s Poll Results — What is your preferred form of entertainment?

With over 43% of the vote, “Watching TV or movies” edged out “Reading Books” (32%) for the most popular form of entertainment!

Thanks to everyone who voted!

Words of the Day

Finance Term: Claim

Definition: A request made by a policyholder for their insurance company to pay for damages or loss.

Medical Term: Ambulatory

Definition: Based on the term “ambulator,” which means “a person who walks.” In ambulatory care settings, patients come in for treatment and then leave the same day. They are not admitted as patients to a hospital.

Slang Word of the Day: LMAO

Definition: An acronym that stands for: Laughing my a** off, indicates something is funny.

Used in a Sentence: 

*someone does something funny*


Longevity Tip Of The Day

Keep watching LOL cat videos — Laughter really is the best medicine, helping to reduce stress, boost the immune system, reduce pain and improve blood flow to the brain. In fact, laughter has the same effect on blood vessels as exercise, report researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore.

What We’re Reading

1123 Hard to Believe Facts, by Nayden Kostov

Price$4.99 Free

Overview: An educational and entertaining collection of unbelievable facts! Whether you’re interested in uncovering truths about animals, history, or popular culture, you’ll be sure to learn some fascinating trivia.

News of the Day

Uber Driver Returns $8,000 to Teen Who Left the Christmas Cash in His Car: ‘Do Something Good’

  • An Alabama Uber driver should be on track for a stellar 2024 after doing “something good” and returning $8,000 cash a hopeful teenager had left in his vehicle.

  • Esbon Kamau has been an Uber driver for 4 years on and off, and the father of five really connected with a young client Alex Tisdale.

Pizza Hut to lay off thousands of California workers

  • Pizza Hut is set to lay off more than 1,200 delivery drivers in Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside counties in the coming year, ahead of a new state law that boosts the fast-food minimum wage by $4 to $20 per hour.

  • The law, known as Assembly Bill 1228, was introduced by Assemblyman Chris Holden, D-Pasadena, and signed into law in September by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

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